CTU: The First Command

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The First Command

Jack Phoenix


Jack Phoenix


Jack Phoenix


Jack Phoenix, Raoul Kerite, Queen Amidala, Harrison Ford, Bail Organa


31th of March, 2006 (original)
20th of February, 2008 (Re-release)


32 BBY


Rise of the Empire era

Followed by:

CTU: Attack on Geonosis

CTU: The First Command is the first photonovel of the CTU saga. It is the third photonovel released but the first chapter in chronological order. It was first released on March 31, 2006 and later re-released on February 20, 2008.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

CTU hires Jack Phoenix[edit | edit source]

Raoul Kerite is in his office, managing CTU's everyday business when Jack Phoenix comes in. After a relatively short interview, Raoul hires Jack to work as the Head of Communications. Raoul shows Jack his workstation and explains a bit about his new job. After that Raoul goes back to his office to watch a live holographic announcement by Queen Amidala from Naboo. Suddenly, the transmission is quit and Raoul becomes suspicious. He grabs Jack Phoenix, the new Head of Communications with him and they're about to leave the CTU building when Raoul gives Jack a bag with a small blaster pistol.

Harrison Ford, another CTU agent, sees this and goes to find out what's going on. He asks Raoul, who just tells Harrison that it's "none of your business". Harrison goes back to his workstation and Raoul leaves the building with Jack. Harrison decides to call the Internal Security of CTU, as he knows they dislike Raoul and Directors of CTU in general. A small squad of Internal Security people pop up soon and interview Harrison. After that, they go into the Director's office, waiting for the Director to come back there.

Trouble stirring in Naboo[edit | edit source]

In the meanwhile, Jack and Raoul have arrived to Naboo and they're in a secret meeting with Queen Amidala when suddenly a battle droid appears and Jack shoots it. Raoul introduces Jack quickly to the Queen and then urges her to go back inside. The Queen does so and more battle droids start to appear out of nowhere. Raoul manages to shoot a couple of battle droids before they shoot him. The droids also manage to capture Jack, whom is taken to a secret hideout in Naboo.

In the underground hideout, Jack is being approached by a Tusken Raider and two battle droids. The Tusken is holding a knife and he looks menacing, so Jack tries to avoid the Tusken, but not before long, his right hand is cut off. The torturers leave the room right after that, leaving a wounded Jack behind. He, however, has managed to steal a pike somehow. He kicks the weak door out of his way and uses his pike to eliminate the battle droids. The Tusken Raider uses his knife to avoid getting hit by Jack's pike, but in the end Jack manages to kill the Tusken.

He escapes the underground hideout and reaches a landing pad, where is a ship guarded by one battle droid. Jack hides under the ship and waits for the droid to pass him, and then he grabs the droid, destroys it and steals its gun. Jack jumps into the ship and leaves Naboo.

Diplomatic conflict at CTU[edit | edit source]

Back in CTU, the Director of Internal Security is alarmed of Jack's presence by a protocol droid. The Director of Internal Security and his men are about to imprison Jack when Bail Organa of Division Command stops them. Bail orders the Director of Internal Security to go away and his men to carry Jack to the clinic to get him healed. While Jack is being treated in the clinic, Bail meets the Director of Internal Security in the office of CTU's Director. Bail tells the Director to leave now, but he is reluctant. He then threatens him with a gun, and the Director proceeds to leave.

When Jack gets back from the clinic, Bail appoints him as the new Director of CTU with Lanliss Wolfell's permission. Jack, now the Director of CTU, calls a meeting between him and the agents. In the meeting, Harrison Ford sees that Jack's right hand is a golden, robotic one and asks Jack about that. Jack refuses to answer and ignores Ford's question. A protocol droid reminds Jack that the Director had scheduled a "meeting" with a Neimoidian Diplomat in interrogation room 309. Jack ends the meeting quickly and goes into the interrogation room to interrogate the Neimoidian. He points the Neimoidian with a blaster and tells him to tell everything he knows about the Invasion of Naboo. The Neimoidian does as being told to, and as a way of saying thanks, Jack shoots him.

Busted?[edit | edit source]

Jack arrives back to the main hall and sees the protocol droid S-3PO. He tells the droid to send a cleaning team to clean up the interrogation room. Harrison Ford sees this and asks the droid what Jack wanted, but the droid refuses to give out this information. Harrison goes back to his workstation and calls the Internal Security again. He then takes his gun and proceeds to the Director's office. Jack, however, is not stupid and manages to beat Harrison with his bare hands. Then, Jake of the Internal Security arrests Jack for "almost killing one of our own agents". He takes him out of the CTU building and Bail Organa has no other choices than to accept it. Outside the CTU building Jack knocks Jake out and disappears.

New continuity[edit | edit source]

New characters[edit | edit source]

  • Queen Amidala
  • S-3PO
  • Jake, the Director of Internal Security

  • New organizations[edit | edit source]

    New planets[edit | edit source]

    Differences between original and re-releases[edit | edit source]

    External links[edit | edit source]